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Please check the coding section for projects with documentation


2005 - 12 - 24

Matrix Calculator 2x2 and Quadratics and Triangle Theorems This is an updated version of the previous one and now included most Triangle Theorems. Please note that there is accuracy loss to about 3 decimals. This is a little Calculator the does matrix Addition,Multiplication and Inversion. It also solves quadratic equations in the format ax^2 +bx + c giving the solution and the turning point. You may also need to download the .Net Framework from M1cr0$0ft.com

2005 - 10- 31

Prime Numbers Gives the first 8000 prime numbers (and can be extended by simply editing the source), then it prompts for a number in the range and tells you whether it is prime or not.

2005 - 10- 31

OpenGL: Water Effect using Regular Triangles By using the same algorithm that is demanded from multi-sampling a very realistic water effect is achieved. No special effects are used yet, but it won't be long and then i will have added some Cg effects. ;-)

2005 - 08- 30

OpenGL Point Parameters Extension Creates the old Basic Star field feel using Points in OpenGL and the Extension PointParameteriARB. This can be taken to the next step to create a nice particle engine for example an airplane giving of gas particles.
2005 - 12 - 24
Space Battles Expo Project 2002 Full Download. I Got i Gold for the project at age 13. It features a nice intro and one or two sprites used mainly geometry is used to make up the objects.

2005 - ??-??

Stupid Delphi Game was made in 2005 to demonstrate to a friend how easy it is to make a game in delphi using input forms as rendering.

